From time to time the NyE Communities Coalition may have openings for employment. NyECC will list employment opportunities as they become available.
Check these positions for Description and Qualifications:
No positions are available at this time.
Apply in the Resource Room @NyECC. Call 775-727-9970 for more information.
No positions are available at this time.
Apply in the Resource Room @NyECC in Tonopah. Call 775-727-9970 for more information.
Coordinator – Community Health Worker Specializing in Behavioral Health
Please fill out this application for all potential job opportunities:
The NyE Communities Coalition Career Connections office at 1020 E. Wilson Road, Pahrump, NV 89048 (Ph 775.727.9970), has a Computer Resource Room with local jobs posted every day.
NyECC Career Connections has classes each week on Dressing for Success, and Resume Writing with tutoring available for those that need a little help to sharpen their skills.
To search the Nevada One-Stop website go to https://www.nvcareercenter.org